Editorial Statute
1. Presentation and purpose
Medi@ções is a biannual electronic publication of the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, whose purpose is to disseminate unpublished works at the interface of Social and Human Sciences with the field of Communication and Language, Information, Education, Arts, of Sport or Animation. Medi@ções is especially dedicated to disseminating studies in the aforementioned fields, encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences and contributing to the debate between different lines of scientific thought.
It has a biannual periodicity. The publication languages are Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
2. Editorial Team
The magazine is composed of the Board, which includes a director and two/two deputy directors, belonging to the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.
It has an Editorial Board, with responsibilities for the scientific management of the journal, definition of the editorial policy and quality criteria, as well as the preparation of proposals for the constitution of the Scientific Board and appointment of reviewers of the journal. The Scientific Council integrates national and international individuals.
3. Article proposals
As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance against a set of standards:
. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, justify in "Comments to the Editor";
. Documents for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 5MB);
. all Internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text (eg http://www.ibict.br) are active;
. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Instructions for Authors;
. The identification of authorship of the work is removed from the files and from the Word Properties option, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality criterion of the journal, if submitted for peer review (eg articles), according to the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review .
- Article proposals must be written in such a way that anonymity is guaranteed in the review process, avoiding mentioning places or institutions that allow the authorship of the text to be identified. If the author wishes to refer to personal works, he can do so by indicating them in the text and in the list of references as follows: (XXXXX, 2013).
The complete information will be included in the article after the review process is complete. Proposals submitted for publication must be placed on the journal's webpage in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
The complete identification of the article — title, name and institutional affiliation of the authors, electronic address and brief biographical note of each author (maximum 1,000 characters) - must also be submitted on the journal's website but in a separate file, in Microsoft Word format, OpenOffice or RTF.
At the end of each article, a brief biographical note of the author will be added, which includes institution, academic or professional activity, publications and experiences in projects.
4. Review process
Submitted articles that meet the established standards are subject to a blind peer review by two or more reviewers and following defined criteria: (i) Relevance and originality (ii) Text clarity (iii) Organization and consistency (iv) Theoretical foundation (v) Methodological framework (where justified) (vi) Presentation and analysis of empirical data (where justified).
Reviewers are academic, scientific and professional individuals relevant to the area(s) of publication. The result of the evaluation carried out by the reviewers must be framed in one of the following decisions: a) publish the article, without alterations; b) publish an article with some changes; c) publish the article with changes, subject to a new review by the Reviewer(s); d) not publish the article. accepted proposals may not be published on a first-come, first-served basis. After its publication, the director will inform the first author of each article of its publication.
Considering the reviewers' opinions and his own evaluation, the director informs the author of the decision on the presented proposal, including suggestions for its reformulation or indicating reasons that led to the decision not to publish (as the case may be).
At the end of each year, the list of people who participated in the review process for that year will be published.