The sporting development of Boccia practitioners with functional limitations A model proposal

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Ricardo Chumbinho


Sport is a powerful tool for promoting personal development. The statement gains even greater relevance when applied to special segments of the population, such as individuals with disabilities, particularly young people. In the Portuguese educational system, where the inclusion paradigm involves having all young people of school age at school, contexts tend to be very heterogeneous and challenging. This article proposes a development model for young Boccia practitioners in a school context, based on the experience of a decade of work with young people, with and without disabilities.

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How to Cite
Chumbinho, R. (2023). The sporting development of Boccia practitioners with functional limitations: A model proposal. Medi@ções, 11(1), 124–138.
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Author Biography

Ricardo Chumbinho, Escola Superior de Educação / Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Degree in Physical Education and Master in Educational Sciences, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Title of Specialist Professor through public exams at IPSetúbal. Frequency of Master in Sports Law. Physical Education teacher in public school since 1989 and in Politechnical School since 2005, in areas of Nature Sports and Risk Management. Accredited Teacher trainer by the CCPFC in several areas and domains, for kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers. Extensive work carried out in different contexts in the areas of Nature Sports, particularly Orienteering, and also in Boccia and School Sports. Trainer and author of works and communications in several areas. Participation and/or responsible for the development of projects in Sports and Education. Author of publications in Nature Sports, Risk Management, School Sports and Sports Law.