Aprendizagem do português e multiliteracias

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Fernanda Botelho


Contemporary societies, which are diverse linguistically, as well as, culturally, generate multiple modalities of communication i.e. diversity of texts whose mul-tisemiotic nature is growing. This paper reviews some of the debates which are central to the topic of literacy in globalization and societal multilingualism. In these multimodal contemporary environments, learners need an expanded multi-communicative competence. Accordingly, we argue for the expansion of the con-cept of literacy to other texts and discourses in order to develop a genuine com-municative competence in learners. We also argue for a new concept of literacy which imparts the ability to understand increasingly complex languages and codes broadcasted by media and hypermedia texts. In order to become communicative competent nowadays, learners need multiple literacies (multiliteracies)
This paper stresses also the importance of learning from television. It focuses on the meaning-making aspect of television stories in Portuguese Language class-rooms, aiming at enhancing not only a multicommunicative competence in learn-ers, but also democratic and citizenship competences.

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How to Cite
Botelho, F. (2009). Aprendizagem do português e multiliteracias. Medi@ções, 1(1), 60–75. https://doi.org/10.60546/mo.v1i1.5