Atividades Interculturais: Uma inovação curricular ao serviço da comunidade

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carlos moreira cruz


The Intercultural Activities were a field internship of the Escola Superior de Educação de XXXX where groups of students stayed four days in several communities of XXXX district. They constituted, in 1987, a pedagogical innovation that sought to build a different school, open to the communities and “at the service of the region”.

This article aims to describe the evolution of these activities and their development linked to successive curricular innovations, as well as their functioning in practice, their objectives and major learning outcomes.

Its disappearance in 2007, following the implementation of the Bologna Process in Portuguese higher education is finally questioned.

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How to Cite
cruz, C. M. (2022). Atividades Interculturais:: Uma inovação curricular ao serviço da comunidade. Medi@ções, 10(2), 121–134.