Consumo e Produção Sustentáveis

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Victor Dordio


The consequences of globalisation influence our daily lives and our environment. To face this complex situation and its impact on the planet, a word is being use to show the real challenge of globalisation: sustainability. This is mainly a dynamic process that affects all mankind and interferes with its development. Consumer citizenship and education for sustainable development will be particularly addressed as well as politics proposed and implemented by both the international bodies (UN, UNESCO, OECD,…) or the European Commission will be closely analysed.

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How to Cite
Dordio, V. (2010). Consumo e Produção Sustentáveis. Medi@ções, 1(2), 162–168.
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Author Biography

Victor Dordio

Victor Dordio is actually the managing partner at Évoraconta, Lda, an independent consulting business company. Graduate in Economics (ESESE,1975), Post-graduate in Farm Management (Iowa State University,1981), Master of Science in Politiques Agricoles et Administration du Développement (CIHEAM, 1990), Études doctorales – DEA in Économie du développement agricole, agro-alimentaire et rural (Univ. Montpellier I, 1990). Former Experience and Job Positions: - August 1992 to January 2003: Full professor at the College of Agriculture of Beja (Portugal), where I was Head of Department (Agricultural Economics and Management), and President of the Scientific Board; - October 1979 to February 2000: Assistant professor at the University of Évora, in the Department of Management, responsible for the section of Accounting and Finance; - March 2000 to September 2001: Adjunct to the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, Lisbon; - June 1996 to May 1998: Regional Director of Agriculture in Alentejo, Évora. - May 2007 to present: Co-ordinator of a task group in the Consumer Citizenship Network charged to create and implement a Master Course in “Consumer Education”.