Systematic Review of Educational Practices with Immersive Virtual Reality in Higher Education


Daniela Rocha Bicalho
João Manuel Nunes Piedade
João Filipe de Lacerda Matos Matos


O objetivo deste estudo é analisar como ocorre a aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais imersivos, suas características, benefícios e limitações. Foi adotado a revisão sistemática da literatura em conformidade com o protocolo PRISMA. Os resultados apontam que a Realidade Virtual possibilita a criação de ambientes virtuais nos quais os estudantes podem interagir e explorar ativamente. Esses ambientes simulados oferecem aos alunos a oportunidade de vivenciar situações autênticas e aplicar seu conhecimento de forma prática.


Como Citar
Bicalho, D. R., Piedade, J. M. N., & Matos, J. F. de L. M. (2024). Systematic Review of Educational Practices with Immersive Virtual Reality in Higher Education. Medi@ções, 12(1), 95–111.
Biografias Autor

João Manuel Nunes Piedade, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon

Assistant Professor and Researcher at Institute of Education of Lisbon University. Member of Competence Center in Technology and Innovation of Institute of Education of Lisbon University. Ph.D. in Education - Information and Communication Technologies in Education (2017), Master in Technologies and Methodologies in Elearning (2010), and graduated in Computer Science Engineering (2006).

João Filipe de Lacerda Matos Matos, Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies

Full Professor at ULHT and the University of Lisbon. He was the coordinator of the e-learning laboratory at the University of Lisbon and was director of the FCT-funded Ph.D. program in Technology Enhanced Learning and Societal Challenges. He also coordinated the Masters in e-Learning and Distance Learning and the Masters in Education and Digital Technologies. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Research Methodologies, Mathematical Education and Digital Technologies in Education.